Friday, August 8, 2008

Guns, Bullets & Teachers

So, as I said in a way earlier post, now that I live in Texas, I intend to learn to handle weapons; most especially a handgun. So, W.H. (being all for my learning how to protect myself) looked around and found a gun range near our new home, and we went and checked it out tonight.
The range is only about 20 minutes away and I love it! No frills, no fuss... just a shack from which to rent lanes and weapons & buy ammo, and three sections of shooting lanes; handguns, rifles, and shotguns. I can't wait.
W.H. was Army, and rated "expert" in weapons, so he will be teaching me the basics. I fully intend to take the "Beginning Handguns" and "Concealed carry" safety classes eventually. For now, I just want to get to a point where I don't jump to the ceiling every time I hear a gun fire.
I will also be test firing several calibers of handguns to find out which one suits me best. On the recommendation of both W.H. and the range guy, I will be beginning with this:
A .380 caliber handgun. The guy handed me one to get a feel for this evening, and I liked how it felt in my hand... not too heavy, but not a lightweight either. Now I just have to see how it feels to fire.
Which I will be doing Tuesday evening! YAY!
Between me, W.H. and the range guy, we decided that since I am SO very gun-shy (watching your father try to blow mom's head off will do that every time!) It will be better for us to come to the range on a Tuesday evening when it is pretty much empty, and I can concentrate on learning gun safety, and not be reacting to so much gunfire.
I am really looking forward to it for several reasons.
Firstly, I need to overcome this irrational fear of guns. The GUN did not try to kill my mother. My FATHER tried to kill my mother, and a gun was simply the tool he used to make the attempt. Could have just as easily been a cast iron skillet.
Secondly, I really am concerned with the direction this country is taking. Neither candidate should be allowed to run a playground recess, much less our country. And when the big bad comes knocking on our country's door, I want to be able to defend my home and family.
And Thirdly, I want to be able to protect myself. I want to be able to walk from a store to my car without worrying about the rapist behind me. I want to do whatever I can to protect myself from the depravity of my fellow "humans".
But, I am not a fool. I also want to be safe FROM the tool I have selected to protect myself with. Therefore, I am becoming "grasshopper" and taking lessons from the master.


none said...

You will enjoy the hobby. See if you can start with a .22 auto. It's the best to get comfortable with.

.38o is usually a blowback type weapon that can be harsh for a beginner. Not always though.

Have fun!

Anonymous said...

I've thought about learning how to shoot as well. My husband loves guns.

I've even considered a concealed weapons license for some of the same reasons you gave.

Richard said...

For most of my life I was a gun enthusiast. Not now though.
for indoor protection, i had a sawed off shotgun, very hard to miss a target. To hit a moving target in a dark house a pistol is kind of a bad choice. an excellent chance of missing the target. As for having a pistol to protect me from the boogie man,(the paranoia generated by the media hasn't affected me) it is not necessary. So many studies have shown that the victim with a weapon, will wind up having it stolen, or it will be used on themselves.
Your feet and mouth are the best defence.

M said...

How exciting!! I've always wanted to learn how to shoot. I've got plenty of friends who are good enough to teach. I think I'm going to give one of them a call :)

Murphy said...


Lonestar Gal said...

Thanks for the support all!

Abby said...

Good on ya! Now, make sure you keep going back and trying new firearms - that's the only way to figure out what you like.

And congrats on getting the move made!