Tuesday, August 26, 2008


So, my life is amazingly boring at the moment. I am not yet working, and I don't know anyone here yet, so the sum total of every day involves housework and cooking, with an occasional bike ride or dog walk thrown in just to break up the monotony.
This would be why I have not posted anything recently, and have been pretty much slacking at my blog.
My brain is atrophying.
I can feel it.

I have not yet sunk to watching soap operas or the Lifetime Movie Network, however, so there is hope for me yet!

I am waiting to hear back from a job interview that went amazingly well at a job that fit my skill set like a custom made glove. Cross your fingers for me?

I love Texas, and especially love our new house, but If I don't get out of this house SOON, I am going to completely lose it. Total meltdown. I am already getting to be a crabby witch just from the lack of money earned, work completed, conversations had... etc...



Anonymous said...

Well if it makes you feel any better I've lived in this town my whole life and I'm 33 and still have a very boring life w/ little interaction w/ others except for when I go to the gym. LOL

That's probably why I'm online so much. Ha ha!

Undomesticated said...

This is where you and I are different. I could stay in my house doing nothing much at all for days and days. In fact, the only reason I work now is so we can save enough and hopefully get far enough ahead so I can just stay home and do nothing.
I am lazy but I am secure in my laziness.

none said...

Good luck on the job! Hope it works out.

M said...

Well, hopefully you can't start the new job soon!!

I think I could use a month or so of sitting in the house.

You can come up and sub for me anytime!!