Thursday, July 31, 2008

I'm Back!

Ok, I am back, and will make a valiant effort to get back into the blogging daily habit! I have really missed this.

So, in the new house, which I LOVE, by the way, we have the floor replaced and the laundry machinery moved in finally... next is to finish the bathroom! Due to the extent of the flooding, we had to rip out the vanity, toilet, cupboard and floor completely. We are still working on getting all the sticky crap off the floor from where the old peel n' stick tile was left under the pergo floor!

I have a job interview set for Monday morning, YAY! Keep your fingers crossed for me! It is with a non-profit agency in Garland, and is considerably more money than I was able to earn in Ohio, so that would be lovely.

Let me know how things are for everyone out there... I promise to catch up on my reading as soon as possible!


Undomesticated said...

Welcome back!
It's great to hear from you again.