Sunday, July 27, 2008

Not a deserter, I promise!

Hey all out there in the blogosphere... I know you think I have disappeared off the planet, but NO! I am here in fry an egg on the sidewalk hot Texas! But, alas, I am having issues with my pc. It maintains its cool for about five minutes, then overheats and shuts itself off.
So... Hopefully I can snag some time on W.H.'s pc tomorrow evening and create a real post and catch up on reading those that I hold dear.
Don't give up on me!


Osbasso said...

Give up?? Never!

Richard said...

Check that the fans are the Back of computer. there is probably one for the power supply, and one to cool off the case. It could also be the fan that is mounted atop the processor chip.(have to take the cover off for this).