Monday, June 23, 2008

Six days and counting!

Yes folks, only six days to the big move to the great state of Texas!

Let's take a moment here to check the status of things regarding our transfer:
Our house is NOT sold yet. (A couple has expressed interest in assuming our mortgage though...keep your fingers crossed, pray, dance naked under the full moon... whatever you do, please do a lot of it!)
We have NOT closed on our house in Texas. (Damn Bureaucrats!)
I am NOT finished packing yet. (Procrastinators Unite!... Tomorrow)

AND.....I am sitting here posting on my blog instead of packing boxes.

The picture is just cuz' it tickled my funnybone.

I REALLY need to get busy...C'mon L.G., the moving truck arrives in THREE DAYS!
Nope... didn't work. Maybe later.
OK... here I go.
I'm movin' now.
Hoppin' too.


Undomesticated said...

I love this post!
At least you have some things packed. Anytime I have ever moved I put off packing until the morning we are supposed to start moving. I can always come up with a good excuse to not do it yet.
Good Luck!

M said...

Eh, throw it all in when the truck gets there. Saves unpacking on the other end.

I've got lots of excuses, you're welcome to any of them.

Undomesticated said...

M's comment made me remember something. My mom and dad got into a fight once so mom left and went to a friend's house. My dad decided to show her and literally threw everything they owned into his van. Not packed just threw it all in the van and left. When he finally came home mom refused to help him "unpack" it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm a total procrastinator! It's my downfall. Good luck w/ the house situation! I'll send you house selling wishes and vibes! :)

Ashly Star said...

Blogging is way better than packing, lol. =p I hate packing. We moved around a lot. I got really good at packing in no time. I hope you have your motivation going to get movin'. =)

none said...

Best of luck on your closing!

That cat pic is hilarious.