Tuesday, June 17, 2008

This is SO Awesome!

Today marks an amazing day in American history.
Finally, love is accepted in all it's many forms and members of the GLBT community are allowed the same rights as the rest of us Americans.
Up yours GWB with your constitutional amendment!
In case you have no clue what the hell I am referring to... Today marks the first day that gay marriages are legally recognized in California.

Ok... I feel the glares and daggers being aimed at me already. C'mon people! I work in the Social Work field, what do you expect? ;o)

I personally have no problem with homosexuality. In my life and in my career, I have seen more vicious abuse and destruction on the part of "traditional" marriages than I can relate to you, and have seen more true kindness, caring, and love between gay partners than I have personally witnessed in any marriage save my own to my wonderful hubby.

I believe that Love, wherever it is found, whether in a traditional marriage or a gay marriage is something to be celebrated, especially in a world so filled with hate and violence.

Ok... I'm ready... let the snark begin should you feel it necessary to castigate me for my sinful and liberal ways.


Undomesticated said...

I for one have no problem with it. I feel that everyone has the right to love and be loved.

M said...

No snark here.

I can't believe that a country based on religious freedom would use RELIGION as a basis for descriminating against anyone.

Maybe their Bible says it's wrong (which it doesn't but don't get me started on that) but maybe mine doesn't.

Sorry to ramble but that whole subject gets me all worked up.

Lonestar Gal said...

Thanks for the support ladies.
I have always felt that how people live their lives when it comes to hetero vs. homo sexuality is none of my business.
I cannot read what is in someones heart. That is between them, their partner of choice and God. Not my place to tell them that they do wrong or are evil, or going to burn in hell. Not one of us is perfect, nor made perfect choices in our lives.
I really hate judgmental people who try to tell everyone else how they SHOULD be living their lives.

Em said...

I have just discovered your blog...and this is the perfect "first post" to read. Cause I totally agree with you!!! No daggers coming from me. It is about time we all accepted love and relationships and families in all their diverse and wonderful forms.

Lonestar Gal said...

Thanks em, and Welcome! Hope you come back again!

The Covert Lover said...

You sinner! lol ;)
Personally I don't care what any consenting adults do in their bedrooms.
And as for gay couples showing more love and kindness than most traditional couples - I understand what you mean... Although it could change after they are actually married. Traditional couples are usually really kind and caring BEFORE they get married too... lol

Hope you're relocation goes well!

LiteralDan said...

I think enough people abuse the institution of marriage already that allowing gays to marry can only help.

Why would a small percentage of same-sex "couples" pretending to love each other for the mythical Marriage Benefits ruin things any more than the enormous amount opposite-sex couples doing the same thing already?

And people wonder why and how it took so long to end slavery, allow women to vote, and let people sit where they want to on a bus, etc.-- some people just think kind of slowly, and cling to a system just because it's the only one they know.

Madness, I tell you-- let's just come to our senses and move on to real issues.